WPT Alpha8 Countdown: Reason #4

You’re in the big blind in the late stages of a tournament holding 7h-9s when you get to see a cheap flop from the big blind. The board falls 8s-9s-10d and your opponent, who has you covered, bets enough to put you all-in if you call. You suspect that you’re behind, but your hand is too…

Matt Clark
Mar 12, 2014

WPT Alpha 8 Florida Day 2

You’re in the big blind in the late stages of a tournament holding 7h-9s when you get to see a cheap flop from the big blind.

The board falls 8s-9s-10d and your opponent, who has you covered, bets enough to put you all-in if you call. You suspect that you’re behind, but your hand is too strong to fold. What do you do?

In your local, $100 tourney, chances are, you’ll call and take your chances. But, what if you’re playing in an event like the $100,000 WPT Alpha8 Florida? Would you still be so quick to throw your money in with second pair and an open-ended straight draw? Would you fold and look for a better spot with nearly a million dollars in first-place prize on the line?

Does playing for big money change your game? What about the pros?

Find out when WPT Alpha8 premieres this Sunday, March 16 on FS1 at 9pm ET/6pm PT.


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