Tom Dwan Wins $3.1 Million Pot, Largest in Broadcast Poker History

Tom Dwan once again found himself in the middle of a high-stakes hand that will go down as legend.

Jeff Walsh
May 30, 2023
Tom Dwan makes the call in the largest pot in televised poker history.

Poker history was made during Hustler Casino Live’s Million Dollar Game on Tuesday night when Tom Dwan added to his legend after he dragged a $3.1 million pot, the largest in televised poker history.

The instantly iconic hand took place between Dwan and HCL regular Wesley ‘Wes Side’ Fei both of who were sitting incredibly deep in the Million Dollar Game. Watch the complete hand right here:

Playing $500/$1K ($3K bb ante), newcomer ‘LSG Hank’ opened to $7K. Wesley looked down at Diamond AHeart K and three-bet to $30,000. In the meantime, Doug Polk, sitting to Wesley’s left declared that he saw what Wesley had, and after looking at his own hand, folded. The action folded to Dwan, whose cards were not picked up by the card reader. Dwan, put in a four-bet to $100,000. ‘LSG Hank’ let go of his hand and when the action returned to Fei, he carefully cut out a five-bet to $275,000. And after some deliberation, Dwan made the call.

With the pot already at $562,000, the flop came Diamond 8Spade 8Diamond 3, and Dwan checked it over to Wesley. Wesley asked Dwan how much he had behind and as said by commentator David Tuchman, “That got the whole table quiet.” Dwan replied that he was sitting on roughly $1.25 million, and after some deliberation, Wesley slid out a bet of $125,000. Dwan shot him a look, confirmed the bet with the dealer, double-checked his cards, and made the call.

The Heart 5 came on the turn and Dwan checked it over again. Now, with the pot up over $800,000 Wesley started stacking chips.

“Wesley’s hands are shaking,” Tuchman said. “He is loading up for another bet.”

Wesley fired another $350,000. Dwan leaned back in his seat, his cards still not visible to the public, and he cut out a call and placed it in the middle. The pot swelled to $1.5 million.

The Club 6 river was no help to Wesley. When Dwan checked it over to him for a third time, Wesley, left with just ace-high, declared he was all-in, triple-barreling with ace-king high.

“He said all-in?” Dwan asked and was answered. “For sure?”

For sure. Dwan had $786,000 left in his stack and literally got up to get water to think about it. When Dwan got up, Wesley covered up and put his head down on the rail.

“What the fuck…?” Dwan asked himself. “Doug saw his hand…this is a weird fucking hand. Doug saw his hand, tried to talk him out of three-betting. He three-bet anyway…”

Dwan reviewed out loud all of the info on the hand he could gather. He continued to tank, going over possible scenarios, and possible hands Wesley could have.

“Tom Dwan has been part of some of the biggest hands in poker history and once again he is here,” Tuchman added.

Finally, the card reader picked up Dwan’s hand: Spade QClub Q

And then, just like that, Dwan simply stuck in the chips for a call. Dwan’s pocket queens won the massive pot of $3.1 million, the largest pot in the history of televised poker.

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