Photos: Getting to Know Royal Flush Girl Jeannie Duffy

Recently, we got a chance to catch up with Royal Flush Girl Jeannie Duffy and find out what makes her tick, some of her favorite things and what it’s like being one of the Royal Flush Girls. Below is the Q&A session with Jeannie with some photos at the bottom from a recent photo shoot during WPT Five Diamond…

Matt Clark
Jan 27, 2012

Royal Flush Girl Jeannie Duffy

Recently, we got a chance to catch up with Royal Flush Girl Jeannie Duffy and find out what makes her tick, some of her favorite things and what it’s like being one of the Royal Flush Girls. Below is the Q&A session with Jeannie with some photos at the bottom from a recent photo shoot during WPT Five Diamond World Poker Classic at Bellagio.

After being chosen as a Royal Flush Girl, how did you celebrate?
When I first found out, I couldn’t believe it.  I was smiling all day.  But we had to keep it a secret for a little while so I wasn’t able to celebrate with anyone.  I guess it’s time to celebrate now!!

How many years have you been modeling?
I did my first fashion show when I was about 6 at the University of Delaware, but I actually started modeling at age 13 when I went to Barbizon modeling school.  I started out doing fashion shows at the local mall and loved being a part of my high school fashion shows. At 21, I went to another modeling school and eventually moved to Vegas where I’ve been modeling full time for 5 years.

Do you have any hidden talents?
I used to play the saxophone and piano. Does that still count?  Lol, just kidding.  I can say the alphabet backwards in less than 10 seconds, and I can stand on my head forever, which coincides with my famous “upside-down-booty-pop.” I know, so talented. Haha!

What’s your guilty pleasure?
Jersey Shore!! (shh, don’t judge!)… and cheesecake.

Who’s your celebrity crush?
I really don’t crush on celebrities, but if I HAD to pick, then Daniel Tosh.  He’s hilarious! Personality is way more important than looks.  But he is cute too!

Alive or dead, you most want to hit the town with ____?
That’s a hard one.  Maybe Ellen Degeneres.  She is sooo funny, and I know she would be a blast.  I just love her!

Do you sing in the shower?
That I do not.

Favorite ice cream flavor?
Peanut butter.  Not peanut butter flavored ice cream, but ice cream with peanut butter chunks in it. Mmmm…. Mint chocolate chip comes in a very close second.

Compared to the other Royal Flush Girls, how’s your poker game?
Well judging from our mini-WPT bootcamp we did together, I’d say we are all pretty much on the same level… except for Tugba!  She is admittedly the least experienced!  I was trying to teach her.  I’ll keep trying, love ya girl! 😉

Poker players can be very superstitious — Are you?
I’m not superstitious, lol!  I’ll knock on wood sometimes and believe in karma to an extent, but that’s about it.

What is your favorite movie?
Ahhh, I hate this question!  I really can’t pick.  I like too many!

Most played song on your iTunes?
I don’t have iTunes!  Anyone who knows me knows I don’t keep up with that stuff.  iPhone, iTunes, iPad… blah blah blah.  It’s too much for me, I like things simple.  I just barely discovered Pandora, which I listen to on my old blackberry. But as for music, I have an eclectic taste:  House, top 40s, hip hop, some reggae, and some classic rock… it’s all good!

When not hanging out at the Royal Flush Girls Social Bar, you enjoy ____?
Spending time with my wonderful friends, watching football (Go Eagles!), traveling, cooking, the beach in the summer, snowboarding in the winter, working out (don’t really enjoy it, but I do it), wine, and eating!!  Big wino and foodie.

Any additional information you want to provide…?
I served in the U.S Air Force for 6 years, from 2001 to 2007.  I may possibly re-enlist in the future, but right now I am focusing on my modeling career.  In addition to being a Royal Flush Girl, I am the spokesmodel for Machine Guns Vegas and am also a ring card girl for MGM.  I did the most recent Mayweather and Pacquiao fights, which were such amazing experiences!  I am so grateful for everything I have and everything I’ve been able to do in my life so far, including being a Royal Flush Girl!  I am so thankful to have this incredible opportunity. I’ve been very fortunate and blessed in my life, and I try not to take anything for granted!  Be humble, stay grounded, stay focused, treat others kindly, be true to yourself… and everything will fall into place.