Jose Vicente Besalduch Wins WPT National Valencia Title

The final day of the WPT National Valencia event came to its conclusion, with 176 entries battling to take home the trophy and share of the €85,360 prizepool. From the very start of the final table Besalduch continued to go from strength to strength, eliminating everyone that stood in his way. By the time…

Matt Clark
Jul 24, 2014

The final day of the WPT National Valencia event came to its conclusion, with 176 entries battling to take home the trophy and share of the €85,360 prizepool.

From the very start of the final table Besalduch continued to go from strength to strength, eliminating everyone that stood in his way. By the time it got to the final three players, Besalduch had already knocked out four out his seven opponents at the Final Table. After a dramatic three way all-in, there was only ever going to be one player to come out top come, and his name was Jose Vicente Besalduch. WPT National Valencia Winner WPT National Valencia Winner

Notable players at the event included ambassador – Tomeu Gomila “Amatos” & ambassador Jordi Martínez “Alekhine” Spanish Pros Juan Manuel Pastor, Borja Domingo “borjote”, Adrian Bussman, Juan Maceiras, Steve Enriquez, Jose Javier Patiño, Álvaro Aspas, José Mestre, José Miguel Espinar, Rubén González “Barryckelo” and Italian Pro and regular WPT table finalist Della Tommasina. WPT National Valencia Final Table WPT National Valencia Final Table

Final Table Standings:
1. Jose Vicente Besalduch Traigueros €21,000
2. Antonio Silvio Lazo Coello €14,600
3. Alex Kalfa €9,600
4. Antonio Manuel Moreno De Guzman €7,100
5. Marco De La Tommasina €5,200
6. Antonio Jaime Rose Puchol €4,200
7. Miguel Angel Garcia Vicent €3,460
8. Isaac Chapi Tolosa €2,800

Winners interview with Jose Vicente Besalduch can be found here on the Poker Red website:

Photos can be found and downloaded on the Poker Red flikr page here:

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