American Way Names WPT Boot Camp to World's Best Fantasy Camps

American Way Magazine (the airline magazine for American Airlines and American Eagle) gave high marks to WPT Boot Camp in their article “World’s Best: Fantasy Camps” by Michael Ventre. “There’s the casual game at the kitchen table with friends, and then there’s the high-stakes version against the cowboy-hat-­wearing oilman and the mysterious European playboy. If…

Matt Clark
Jan 14, 2012

American Way Magazine (the airline magazine for American Airlines and American Eagle) gave high marks to WPT Boot Camp in their article “World’s Best: Fantasy Camps” by Michael Ventre.

“There’s the casual game at the kitchen table with friends, and then there’s the high-stakes version against the cowboy-hat-­wearing oilman and the mysterious European playboy. If you want to compete in the latter, the World Poker Tour Boot Camp can help you hone your skills.”

Read the full article at American Way Magazine and check out the upcoming WPT Boot Camp schedule for a camp date near you.

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