Zhixang Ang Soars to a Big Double

Apr 20, 2024

Zhixang Ang

More than the starting stack are in the middle of the table when the board shows Spade 9Diamond 5Spade 2Club 3Heart Q over on table 20. Zhixang Ang moves all-in for 33,300 in the hijack and Gary Tomes asks for a count, then almost instantly says “I should fold but …” before he continues some one-sided table chatter.

Tomes then calls and Ang rolls over the Diamond 3Heart 3 for a turned set of treys, which wins the pot.

“You raise and call a three-bet? Good luck to you …” Tomes says as he tosses his cards on top of the muck without ever exposing them.

Zhixang Ang – 111,000 (370 bb)
Gary Tomes – 8,000 (27 bb)

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