Zhiguang Zou Takes From Ilya Firstov

Mar 16, 2023

Ilya Firstov raises to 8,000 in the cutoff and gets called by the button, Darren Moves in the small blind and Zhiguang Zou in the big blind. The Heart 8Diamond 5Diamond 4 flop brings a bet of 10,000 by Moves and calls from Zou and Firstov.

After the Heart 5 turn, Moves checks and Zou bets 18,000. With Firstov not having acted yet, Moves tosses in a single chip for a call and the floor is called. If Firstov were to call, Moves’ call is binding but the Russian raises to 42,000. Moves now folds and Zou just calls.

Both remaining players check the Club 2 river and Zou wins the pot with the Diamond 6Spade 5.

Zhiguang Zou – 240,000
Darren Moves – 300,000
Ilya Firstov – 130,000

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