Zennawi Petros Takes Out Jozef Cibicek With Kings

May 18, 2024

Jozef Cibicek is in the cutoff and moves all in for around 25,000 as Zennawi Petros puts him at risk from middle position.

Jozef Cibicek: Diamond KClub Q
Zennawi Petros: Heart KClub K

Petros is far ahead with his kings as the board runs out Spade 2Diamond 5Heart 5Heart 6Diamond 8 to secure him the pot and send Cibicek to the rail.

“Nice hand. I’m going to miss that guy,” a tablemate tells Petros after Cibicek leaves the table.

“We smacked him around a little bit,” Petros replies.

Zennawi Petros- 100,000 (83 bb)
Jozef Cibicek- eliminated

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