Zarvan Tumboli Busts Shinichi Takenouchi and Phinh Van Nguyen

May 29, 2022

Forced all-in the next hand, Shinichi Takenouchi watches the action unfold as Zarvan Tumboli raises to 25,000 and Phinh Van Nguyen moves all-in for around 140,000. Trung Gia Nguyen folds and claims he has pocket tens once again. Tumboli snap-calls to put two opponents at risk.

Shinichi Takenouchi: Spade 8Heart 7
Phinh Van Nguyen: Club AHeart J
Zarvan Tambouli: Spade QDiamond Q

The queens lead the way and that doesn’t change on the Diamond 5Diamond 4Heart 3Diamond 7Diamond J board as Tumboli hits the flush.

Zarvan Tumboli – 1,300,000
Shinichi Takenouchi – Eliminated
Phinh Van Nguyen – Eliminated


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