Zane DeSilva Eliminated as Sam Taylor Wins a 3-Way All-In to Reach 440K

Jan 30, 2018

Zane DeSilva

A player moves all in from UTG+1 for 52,000, Sam Taylor calls from the hijack, and Zane DeSilva (pictured) calls from the cutoff. Any further betting will create a side pot.

The flop comes Diamond 9Club 8Club 3, Taylor checks, DeSilva moves all in, and Taylor snap-calls. Everyone turns over their cards:

Sam Taylor:  Spade 9Club 9  (set of nines)
Zane DeSilva:  Spade JHeart J  (overpair)
UTG+1:  Club AClub K  (club flush draw)

The turn card is the Heart 10, and DeSilva picks up an open-ended straight draw for additional outs.

The river card is the Heart A, and Taylor wins the entire pot with his set of nines to eliminate both players from the tournament.

Sam Taylor  –  440,000  (183 bb)
Zane DeSilva  –  Eliminated

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