Zak Rose Crushes Peter Thorpe in Huge Pot

Sep 13, 2024

Zak Rose opens to 2,200 from under the gun and gets three-bet to 7,000 by Jack Shepherd in the cutoff. Peter Thorpe then cold-calls from the small blind before Rose calls to send the trio to a flop of Heart KClub 6Diamond 5.

Thorpe and Rose check to Shepherd who continues for 12,700. Both opponents call and the Club 5 hits the turn.

Thorpe moves all in for 45,000 and is met with an all-in for about 29,000 by Rose. Shepherd folds.

Zak Rose: Heart 5Spade 5
Peter Thorpe: Heart ADiamond K

Thorpe is drawing dead to Rose’s quad fives before the Club 9 completes the board, scoring a huge pot for Rose while leaving Thorpe on a short stack.

Zak Rose – 120,000 (120 bb)
Peter Thorpe – 17,000 (17 bb)
Jack Shepherd – 35,000 (35 bb)

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