Zach Gruneberg Doubles Thru James Salmon

Jan 29, 2020

Zach Gruneberg

Zach Gruneberg (pictured) raises UTG+1 to 27,000, and James Salmon calls from the button. The flop comes Diamond JSpade 7Spade 5, Gruneberg bets 36,000, and Salmon moves all in for about 940,000.

Gruneberg calls all in for 261,000 with Diamond QClub Q, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive against Salmon’s Spade KSpade Q (spade flush draw).

The turn card is the Diamond 10, giving Salmon additional outs with an open-ended straight draw, but the river card is the Heart 3. Gruneberg wins the pot with his pocket queens to double up in chips.

Zach Gruneberg  –  606,000  (51 bb)
James Salmon  –  680,000  (57 bb)

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