Yuwen Pan Eliminated in 30th Place by Jin Yong

Sep 9, 2019

Yuwen Pan moves all in from the cutoff for 121,000, and Jin Yong thinks for a bit before he calls from the big blind with Spade ADiamond Q.

Pan turns over Heart KSpade 10, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond ADiamond 9Spade 6Diamond 7Diamond 8 — Yong pairs his ace on the flop, and Pan briefly celebrates his rivered ten-high straight. Unfortunately, it takes him a moment to realize that Yong rivered a diamond flush. Yong wins the pot to eliminate Pan in 30th place.

Jin Yong  –  530,000  (44 bb)
Yuwen Pan  –  Eliminated in 30th Place  (VND 105,829,000/~US $4,551)

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