Yusuf Cakmak Busts Raffael Wadl

Aug 22, 2024

Abdurahim Caliskan limps from middle position, and is faced with an all-in of 56,000 from Raffael Wadl in the cutoff. Yusuf Cakmak cold-calls on the button, and the blinds and Caliskan get out of the way.

Raffael Wadl: Diamond KClub Q
Yusuf Cakmak: Spade KHeart K

Wadl is in big trouble having run into Cakmak’s kings, and although the Diamond QHeart 8Diamond 5 flop gives Wadl some hope with a pair of queens, the Heart ASpade 3 turn and river are bricks, sending Wadl to the exit.

Yusuf Cakmak – 160,000 (53 bb)
Abdurahim Caliskan – 390,000 (130 bb)
Raffael Wadl – Eliminated 

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