Yung Hwang Wins a 2.5M Pot with Queen High

Jan 31, 2013

With the board showing [Ah4c3c3s] on the turn, Yung Hwang bets 383,000 from the big blind, and Russell Crane calls from the cutoff.

The river card trips the board with the [3d], Hwang checks, Crane bets 700,000, and Hwang tanks for a while before he calls. Crane shows [6h5d] for a missed straight draw (six high), and Hwang turns over [Qc7c] for a missed club flush draw (queen high).

Hwang wins a huge pot worth about 2.5 million by making a big call with queen high.

Yung Hwang  –  5,000,000*  (125 bb)
Russell Crane  –  2,520,000  (63 bb)

* Hwang’s chip count is only an approximate because of the arrangement of his chip stacks. An official chip count will be posted at the next break.

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