Yuanting Wang Eliminated in 7th Place (AUD $92,649 / ~US $63,075)

Sep 24, 2024

Yuanting Wang

Hand #84:

Travis Endersby opens the action with a raise to 125,000 from under the gun. Yuanting “Eason” Wang moves all-in from the small blind and Endersby asks for a count, calls when it is for 600,000 total only.

Yuanting Wang: Heart QHeart J
Travis Endersby: Club AClub Q

Neither player connects with the Diamond 10Diamond 7Club 3Spade 10Heart 7 board and the ace plays for Endersby. Wang is the final casualty on Day 4 and the final six players are now bagging their chips for today.

Travis Endersby – 4,500,000 (95 bb)
Yuanting Wang – Eliminated in 7th Place (AUD $92,649 / ~US $63,075)

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