Yordan Dichev Wins Early Battle of Big Stacks

Apr 13, 2024

SXXII WPT Prime Slovakia
Photo: Yordan Dichev

A pair of players who have already more than doubled their starting stacks have recently clashed with Yordan Dichev the beneficiary of another pot.

With just under 5,000 in the pot on a turn of Club QDiamond 10Heart 2Spade 3, Damir Matic bets 3,200 from the big blind and gets called by Dichev in middle position.

The river is the Diamond 2 and Matic fires out another 7,000. After a brief deliberation, Dichev calls.

Matic frustratedly shows Club AClub 8 for ace-high, while Dichev tables Heart QHeart 9 for winning queens and deuces.

Yordan Dichev – 97,000 (323 bb)
Damir Matic – 81,000 (270 bb)

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