Yor Ecobiza Eliminated by Justin Bernstein in an A-K vs. A-K Situation

Jun 18, 2022

Yor Ecobiza Celebrates as He Draws the Biggest Mystery Bounty
Photo:  Two days ago, Yor Ecobiza was celebrating after drawing the largest Mystery Bounty (AUD $31,875), almost as much as the second-place payout.

Yor Ecobiza moves all in from the button for about 78,000, and Justin Bernstein calls or shoves from the small blind with Diamond ASpade K.

Ecobiza turns over Club AHeart K, and unless somebody makes a flush, it’ll be a chopped pot.

But the board comes Spade 8Heart 6Spade 5Spade 9Spade 4, and the entire table winces as Bernstein catches a runner-runner spade flush to win the pot and eliminate Ecobiza from the tournament.

Bernstein offers his apologies for the cooler, and Ecobiza is clearly devastated and a little slow to get up and walk away.

Justin Bernstein  –  200,000  (80 bb)
Yor Ecobiza  –  Eliminated

Two days ago, Ecobiza final tabled the $1,000 buy-in Mystery Bounty event, finishing ninth to earn AUD $4,892. Ecobiza only scored a single knockout on Day 2 to earn a bounty, but he randomly drew the largest bounty of the event — AUD $31,875, which was nearly as much as second place.

You can read more about Ecobiza and the Mystery Bounty event by clicking here.

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