Yo Hwan "BoxeR" Lim Eliminated in 17th Place by Mukul Pahuja

Jun 26, 2019

Yo Hwan Lim & Mukul Pahuja
Photo:  Yo Hwan Lim (left) and Mukul Pahuja (right). Lim is a former professional StarCraft player who goes by the name “BoxeR.”

With 17 players left, Yo Hwan Lim appears to move all in under the gun for 875,000, and Mukul Pahuja calls UTG+1. But Lim actually has a 25K chip left behind, so he isn’t technically all in yet as they go to the flop.

The flop comes Heart KSpade 6Heart 3, Lim checks, Pahuja bets 25,000 to put Lim all in, and Lim goes into the tank, trying to stall to make the next money jump. He points to his four 30-second Time Chips and says, “I’ve got two minutes.”

Lim tosses in one Time Chip every 30 seconds to extend his time, and as his final seconds are running down, there is an all-in situation at the next table involving Gayle Knorr. If there are two eliminations, it’ll be close to see who goes out first.

Pahuja quickly shows Diamond 9Club 9, but Lim is slow to turn over his Diamond ASpade Q for ace high. Lim needs to improve to stay alive.

The turn card is the Spade K, the river card is the Diamond 3, and Pahuja wins the pot with his pocket nines to eliminate Lim from the tournament.

It happens almost simultaneously with Gayle Knorr’s elimination at the next table, and it looks like Lim is being awarded 17th place, and Knorr is being awarded 16th place.

Mukul Pahuja  –  4,100,000  (55 bb)
Yo Hwan Lim  –  Eliminated in 17th Place  ($5,700)

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