Yaron Zeev Malki Eliminated by ClubWPT Qualifier Gayle Knorr

Jun 26, 2019

On a board reading Heart AHeart 4Spade 9Heart 3, Yaron Zeev Malki bets 450,000 into a pot of roughly 150,000 from out of the big blind.

ClubWPT Qualifier Gayle Knorr calls next to act from under the gun as Nikita Luther and Hong Zhang fold from the button and small blind.

The river is the Heart 7 and Malki bets his last 40,000 and Knorr calls.

Malki tables his Spade AHeart 5 for a flush, but when Knorr reveals her Heart 9Club 9 for a bigger flush, Malki is eliminated.

Gayle Knorr – 1,450,000
Yaron Zeev Malki – Eliminated

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