Guodong Yang Doubles Through Felix Kretschmann; Kretschmann Eliminated in 13th Place by Salih Atac

Sep 10, 2023

Felix KretschmannPhoto: Felix Kretschmann

Felix Kretschmann raises to 225,000 in the cutoff and gets three-bet to 550,000 by Guodong Yang on the button. Kretschmann then moves all in barely covering Yang’s 2,950,000. Yang calls.

Guodong Yang : Club KDiamond K
Felix Kretschmann: Club JDiamond J

Kretschmann is on the wrong end of a huge cooler that will leave him with crumbs if he can’t find a jack or a miracle straight.

The board comes Club AHeart 7Spade 4Diamond 6Diamond 2, bringing him no help and leaving him with under three big blinds.

On the next hand he’d get it in against Salih Atac who calls in the big blind.

Felix Kretschmann: Diamond KClub 5
Salih Atac: Heart ASpade Q

That board comes Club AHeart 2Club 6Spade KClub 3, with Atac making the better pair to eliminate Kretschmann in 13th place.

Guodong Yang – 5,950,000 (59 bb)
Salih Atac – 1,700,000 (17 bb)
Felix Kretschmann – eliminated

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