Yan Yan Eliminated by Brian Sham

Jan 3, 2020

Yan Yan

Brian Sham raises to 4,500 from under the gun and Yan Yan (pictured) calls in middle position. From late position, Noam Muallem three-bets to 17,500 total.

The blinds fold, and Sham four-bets to 32,000. Yan calls all in for 20,500, and Muallem calls also.

The Club KSpade 7Heart JDiamond 8Spade 3 board checks through to the river where Sham bets 35,000 and Muallem folds.

Sham tables his Spade ADiamond A, and after Yan reveals her Spade 10Diamond 10, she is eliminated.

Brian Sham – 154,000
Noam Muallem – 138,000
Yan Yan – Eliminated

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