Xiao Peng Moves in Front with 42 Left

Mar 30, 2014

Sylvain Siebert has made two previous final tables here in WPT events at the Playground Poker Club in the last year-and-a-half, and for the last half-hour or so had seized the chip lead as Day 2 of the partypoker.net #WPTCSC moved into its final level of the day.

Jason Comtois recently managed to double through Siebert to knock him back down to around 1.45 million, however, while the lone remaining woman in the field, Xiao Peng, added to her stack to take the lead with 42 players left.

Xiao Peng – 1,760,000 (73 bb)
Sylvain Siebert – 1,460,000 (61 bb) 

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