Wyraz Doubles Through Rettenmaier

Feb 23, 2013

Gzegorz Wyraz 

Grzegorz Wyraz opens to 48,000 in midfield and Marvin Rettenmaier defends his big blind.

Flop: [Ah] [Kh] [2s]

Rettenmaier check-calls a 60,000 Wyraz c-bet.

Turn: [As]

Rettenmaier checks and Wyraz moves all-in prompting laughter to emerge from the mouth of our two-time WPT Champion.

“This is not a slow roll…it’s not a slow roll…how much do you have?” Asks Rettenmaier. The rest of the table are in fits of laughter.

The count is 271,000, “It’s obvious what I have…I have to call.” Said Rettenmaier before flipping over [Ac] [8c]. Wyraz turns over [Ad] [Jc] for the winning hand.

“They always have it.” Says Rettenmaier.

The dealer turns over the [6d], and Wyraz doubles to 800,000. The Mad One has 1,090,000.

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