Willie Wiggins Needs No Showdown

Apr 8, 2022

Solange Lucas opens to 2,500 in the lojack and is called by both the cutoff and Willie Wiggins in the big blind. The flop comes Heart QClub 9Diamond 6 and all three players check.

The turn comes the Spade 3 and Wiggins and Lucas both check again. The cutoff bets 4,400 and Wiggins calls, with Lucas folding behind.

Action goes heads up to the river Spade 4 and Wiggins bets 6,600. The cutoff thinks for less than 10 seconds and raises to 21,000, prompting Wiggins to immediately three-bet shove for 59,000.

The cutoff goes into the tank for nearly a minute and then lets his hand go, earning Wiggins the pot without showdown.

Willie Wiggins – 97,800 (97 bb)
Solange Lucas – 75,000 (75 bb)

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