Willie Wiggins Doubles Thru Selahaddin Bedir

Nov 30, 2021

Willie Wiggins

Action folds to Willie Wiggins on the button, and he opens to 275,000. Selahaddin Bedir is in the big blind and calls.

The flop falls Spade 9Spade 6Club 3 and action checks through.

The dealer burns and turns the Club 7, and Bedir bets 325,000. Wiggins calls.

The river Club A completes the board, Bedir moves all-in, and Wiggins snap calls.

Bedir tables Spade 7Club 2 for a pair of sevens but Wiggins tables Club QClub 10 for the rivered flush to double.

Selahaddin Bedir: 1,575,000 (13 bbs)
Willie Wiggins: 4,875,000 (39 bbs)

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