William Beverley Eliminated in 12th Place By James Mackey

May 6, 2024

William BeverleyPhoto:  William Beverley

William Beverley moves all in UTG for his last 10,000 and Curt Kohlberg limps for the 80,000 big blind, but then James Mackey raises to 250,000 to get everyone out of the way. 

Beverley tables Spade QSpade 6 but need to improve against the Diamond KDiamond J of Mackey. 

A queen appeared on the flop of Heart 4Spade 4Diamond Q to give him the lead, but the turn came the Spade K to swing it back in Mackey’s favor with top pair of kings. The river changed nothing with the Diamond 3 and Mackey was awarded the pot while Beverley was eliminated in 12th place. 

James Mackey – 8,175,000 (102 bb)
William Beverley – Eliminated in 12th place ($30,500)

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