Wessel Deusing Eliminated by Vasyl Vasylyshyn in a Massive Pot

Mar 21, 2024

Photo: Wessel Deusing

Vasyl Vasylyshyn has a raise to 225,000 in front of him from the cutoff before Wessel Deusing reraises to 475,000 in the small blind. Vasylyshyn calls.

The flop comes Heart 5Club 7Spade 9 and Deusing bets 450,000. Vasylyshyn again calls.

The Heart J comes on the turn and Deusing moves all in for around 900,000. Vasylyshyn practically beats him into the pot and turns over Diamond JSpade J for a turned set.

“Sick, sick, sick,” Deusing says as he shows Diamond KSpade K. The river is the Spade 6 and Deusing is eliminated in one of the biggest pots of the tournament so far.

Vasyl Vasylyshyn- 5,500,000 (183 bb)
Wessel Deusing- eliminated

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