Wei Chun Cheng Eliminated By Jereld Sam In 8th Place (TWD 1,029,500 / ~US $32,002)

Aug 19, 2024

Wei Chun Cheng

Hand #52: First to act Jun Li opens the hand with a 600,000 raise, two spots over Wei Chun Cheng calls, then big blind Jereld Sam shoves 4,850,000. Li chooses to fold while Cheng goes the other direction and risks his tournament life. 

Jereld Sam Diamond QSpade Q
Wei Chun Cheng Diamond 9Spade 9

Cheng is dominated which doesn’t change throughout the board Spade 4Spade 3Diamond 10Spade KClub 6

Jereld Sam – 9,700,000 (32 bb)
Jun Li – 9,100,000
Wei Chun Cheng – Eliminated In 8th Place (TWD 1,029,500 / ~US $32,002)

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