Wanny Piazza Eliminated in 14th Place (€6,905)

Dec 17, 2011

Wanny Piazza
(Photo: Wanny Piazza)

We have just lost one of our characters here at WPT Venice. Wanny Piazza the long time chip leader from Day 3 has been eliminated at the hands of Alex Dovzhenko.

Marvin Rettenmaier opens to 17,000 from early position and Dovzhenko cold-calls a few seats to his left, as does Piazza on the button. It is three-handed to the [Jc] [9s] [5d] flop and Rettenmaier continues the aggression with a bet of 22,000 and Dozhenko calls. Piazza announces all in, which forces Rettenmaier out of the hand but Dovzhenko snap-calls, much the the disappointment of Piazza.

“Really?” Piazza says in an extremely disappointed tone.

Dovzhenko:  [9c] [9d]
Piazza:  ?[Th] [9s]

A set of nines for the Russian leaves Piazza drawing very thin but the  [8s] on the turn adds a little bit of excitement to an otherwise forlong conclusion. The river is not one of them though, the [8d]  missing Piazza and he is sent to the rail. Dovzhenko sees his stack swell to 1,500,000 and he is our new chip leader.

“That could have been so sick,” said Rettenmaier, “I had [8x] [5x] !”

“That’s the respect you have for your opponents,” says O’Dwyer, “raising [8x] [5x]  at this stage.”

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