Vladislav Mezheritsky vs. Farid Jattin

Jan 30, 2014

Farid Jattin raises from the cutoff to 115,000, Vladislav Mezheritsky reraises from the button to 250,000, and Jattin calls.

The flop comes [AcJs8s], Jattin checks, Mezheritsky bets 250,000, and Jattin calls. The turn is the [Qs], Jattin checks, Mezheritsky bets 250,000 again, and Jattin calls.

The river card pairs the board with the [Qc], and Jattin bets out for 600,000. Mezheritsky moves all in for about 700,000, and Jattin calls.

Mezheritsky turns over [As5s] for two pair, aces and queens, and Jattin mucks. Mezheritsky wins the pot.

Vladislav Mezheritsky  –  3,000,000  (60 bb)
Farid Jattin  –  2,800,000  (56 bb)

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