Vladislav Mezheritsky Doubles Thru Michael Arrington

Jan 30, 2014

After a flop of [10d7c3c], Michael Arrington bets 90,000 from the big blind, Vladislav Mezheritsky reraises from UTG+1 to 190,000, and Arrington calls.

The turn card pairs the board with the [3s], and Arrington moves all in. Mezheritsky calls all in for 380,000 with [KcKh] (two pair, kings and threes), and Arrington turns over [Qd10c] (two pair, tens and threes). Mezheritsky needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The river is the [6s], and Mezheritsky wins the pot with his pocket kings to double up in chips.

Vladislav Mezheritsky  –  1,280,000  (53 bb)
Michael Arrington  –  425,000  (17 bb)

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