Vlad Mezheritsky Chipping Up

Feb 8, 2015

BLUFF.com WPT Ones to Watch Vlad Mezheritsky raises to 2,700 from the hijack, the player in the small blind calls, and the flop falls Jdiamond9spade8spade.

The player in the small blind check-calls 3,300 from Mezheritsky, the 4diamond lands on the turn, and he check-calls another 6,200 from Mezheritsky. It’s more of the sams on the 8heart river as the player in the small blind check-calls 12,200.

Mezheritsky tables KdiamondKclub for kings and eights, his opponent shows AheartJclub for jacks and eights, and Mezheritsky collects the pot.

Vlad Mezheritsky – 99,000 (82 bb)

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