Vivek Singh Eliminated in 11th Place by Prasit Chowdhury (685,000 INR)

Apr 16, 2023

Vivek Singh

Within only a few hands, the dynamics on table six change in quick succession and two all-in showdowns reduce the stack of Vivek Singh to zero as he narrowly misses out on the final table.

Abhinav Iyer raises to 150,000 from under the gun and folds when Anil Adiani jams with the superior stack. He is in the big blind next and calls all-in when Singh pushes out of the small blind.

Abhinev Iyer: Club AHeart Q
Vivek Singh: Diamond JHeart 8

Iyer’s superior hand holds on the Club KClub 10Diamond 6Heart ADiamond K board and that cuts the stack of Singh almost into half.

Prasit Chowdhury then raises to 150,000 and Singh three-bets to 625,000 for most of his chips. A quick four-bet jam follows and Singh vaults out of his chair to check the other table before calling within the 30-second action clock period.

Vivek Singh: Diamond JSpade J
Prasit Chowdhury: Heart KDiamond Q

The pair is ahead until the Club ASpade 8Spade 7Club 9 turn but the fate is sealed with the Diamond K river.

Prasit Chowdhury – 3,700,000 (49 bb)
Abhinav Iyer – 1,600,000 (21 bb)
Anil Adiani – 1,600,000 (21 bb)
Vivek Singh – Eliminated in 11th Place (685,000 INR)

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