Vinny Pahuja Doubles Thru Ko Maddock on the Money Bubble

Sep 23, 2015

Vinny Pahuja

With the field playing hand-for-hand on the Money Bubble, Vinny Pahuja (pictured) was all in from the small blind for 99,000 against Zo Maddock in middle position with the board showing Diamond ASpade 8Heart 2Club 5 on the turn.

Maddock was drawing dead with Heart AHeart K (pair of aces) against Pahuja’s Spade AClub A (set of aces). The meaningless river card was the Club 4, and Pahuja doubled up in chips.

Vinny Pahuja  –  360,000  (60 bb)
Ko Maddock  –  125,000  (21 bb)

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