Victor Lemos Eliminated in 21st Place by Colin Moffatt

Nov 22, 2016

Victor Lemos completes the small blind to 12,000, Colin Moffatt raises from the big blind to 34,000, Lemos moves all in for about 250,000, and Moffatt calls with Diamond ASpade K. Lemos turns over Heart QHeart 4, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Spade AHeart KDiamond JHeart 5Spade 7 — Lemos flops a gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Moffatt wins the pot with a flopped two pair, aces and kings, to eliminate Lemos in 21st place.

Colin Moffatt  –  695,000  (58 bb)
Victor Lemos  –  Eliminated in 21st Place  ($14,500)

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