Value for van Brugge, Boeken Folds to Jam

Apr 16, 2018

On the river of a board Club 10Diamond 4Club 2Club 5Diamond 10, Kees van Brugge bet 3,500 into a pot of 5,000 and Ali Matin called to get shown Club AClub 6 for the nut flush by van Brugge.

Over on table 28, Noah Boeken bet ouf of the big blind with the Heart KDiamond 10Heart 3 flop showing and made it 2,100 to go, Stefan Correlje called. On the Club K turn both players checked and the Heart 4 river completed the board.

Boeken checked and Correlje moved all in for 9,675, wich forced a fold from Boeken.

Ali Matin – 34,000
Kees van Brugge – 29,000
Noah Boeken – 26,000
Stefan Correlje – 19,000

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