Vadim Shlez Eliminated in 24th Place as Sung Joo Hyun Wins a 3-Way All-In with Queen-Six Suited

Jun 26, 2019

Vadim Shlez

Sung Joo Hyun moves all in from the cutoff for 520,000, Vadim Shlez (pictured) calls all in from the button for 500,000, and Hong Zhang moves all in over the top from the small blind, covering both players.

Hong Zhang:  Diamond ASpade K
Sung Joo Hyun:  Diamond QDiamond 6
Vadim Shlez:  Heart AHeart J

The board comes Spade 6Diamond 5Diamond 2Spade 7Club 3, and Hyun pairs his lowly six to scoop the entire pot, doubling thru Zhang and eliminating Shlez in 24th place.

Sung Joo Hyun  –  1,640,000  (33 bb)
Hong Zhang  –  960,000  (19 bb)
Vadim Shlez  –  Eliminated in 24th Place  ($4,700)

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