Upeshka De Silva Eliminated in 168th Place by Adrian Sorel State

Dec 16, 2022

Upeshka DeSilvaPhoto: Upeshka De Silva earlier in the World Championship

Upeshka De Silva raises to 275,000 (leaving 5,000 behind) from middle position, and Adrian Sorel State calls on the button.

The flop is Heart JClub 7Heart 2, and both check.

The turn is the Heart 10, De Silva confirms the pay jump has been reached and bets his remaining 5,000. Sorel calls with Diamond 9Spade 9 for a pair of nines, leading De Silva’s Spade 6Diamond 6 for a pair of sixes.

The river is the Diamond 7, no help to De Silva, locking up the pot for State.

Adrian Sorel State  –  3,600,000  (120 bb)
Upeshka De Silva  –  Eliminated in 168th Place  ($24,800)

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