Up and Down for Roland Kivi and Amit Kaushik

Mar 17, 2023

Aleksandr Ovechkin pushes in his stack below the average only to see Roland Kivi and Amit Kaushik also get it in as well. “Kings and queens please, ” Ovechkin demands when the cards are about to be tuned over.

Aleksandr Ovechkin: Club AHeart J
Roland Kivi: Club 10Diamond 10
Amit Kaushik: Club QHeart Q

Ovechkin now wishes for an ace on the flop and instead, Kivi spikes his set on the Club 10Spade 3Heart 2 flop. Kivi holds thanks to the Heart 8Diamond 2 runout and knocks out Ovechkin.

Kaushik is left short but then doubles with queens again through Kivi when he makes quads.

Roland Kivi – 270,000
Amit Kaushik – 150,000
Aleksandr Ovechkin – Eliminated

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