Two-Pair for Noeung Troeung

Aug 22, 2016

Action folds around to Andrej Markovinovic on the button, and he raises to 8,000. Noeung Troeung is in the big blind and decides to defend.

The flop comes Club QDiamond 8Diamond 5. Troeung checks, and Markovinovic bets 8,500. Troeung reaches into his stack and check-raises to 21,500. Markovinovic thinks for a moment and decides to call.

The river is the Heart J. Troeung checks, and after a moment Markovinovic decides to check back. Troeung tables Spade QSpade J for two pair, queens and jacks. Markovinovic mucks his cards.

Noeung Troeung – 115,000 (38 bb)
Andrej Markovinovic – 120,000 (40 bb)

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