Two Double Ups In Quick Succession

Feb 16, 2020

Youngsin Ko raises to 27,000 and Junya Kubo rips it in for 115,000 from one seat over. David Erquiaga calls from the very next seat, everybody else including Ko folds.

Junya Kubo: Club QSpade Q
David Erquiaga: Diamond JSpade J

The Spade KClub 8Diamond 8Spade 6Spade 7 board keeps queens best.

Over on table one, Markus Garberg’s raise is called by Ryo Naito, who then folds to the shove of Mark Dela Cruz for 204,000 and the call of Garberg.

Mark Dela Cruz: Club KClub J
Markus Garberg: Heart AHeart 10

Both flop a pair on Club AHeart KClub 4 and turn a gutshot on the Diamond Q. Dela Crzu spikes the flush thanks to the Club 10 and doubles.

Markus Garberg – 550,000
David Erquiaga – 480,000
Mark Dela Cruz – 450,000
Youngsin Ko – 400,000
Junya Kubo – 260,000

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