Two Bustouts After the Break

Feb 16, 2020

The first player to bust after the break is Kristian Wiermyhr, who three-bet jams for 80,000 and gets cold-called by Ryan McAllister. Wiermyhr only has jack-six while McAllister reveals kings to see the board run out blank.

Sean Ragozzini also gets his stack in and runs into the same hand in the showdown as Markus Garberg looks him up.

Sean Ragozzini: Spade AHeart 10
Markus Garberg: Spade KClub K

Board: Heart KClub 7Diamond 6Club JDiamond K

Garberg flops a set and rivers quads to send Ragozzini to the rail.

Markus Garberg – 550,000
Ryan McAllister – 410,000
Kristian Wiermyhr – Eliminated in 35th Place
Sean Ragozzini – Eliminated in 34th Place



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