Hand #5: Money Bubble Bursts! Erico Iervasi Wins Aces vs. Kings vs. Queens to Knock Out Two Players

Jun 8, 2024

Erico Iervasi
Photo:  Erico Iervasi

In Hand #5 of hand-for-hand play on the Money Bubble, there is a three-way all-in situation with the cutoff all in for 58,000, the small blind all in for roughly 175,000, and Erico Iervasi covers them both from middle position.

Here are their cards in descending order of chip counts:

Erico Iervasi:  Spade ADiamond A
Small Blind:  Spade QClub Q
Cutoff:  Spade KDiamond K

The board comes Heart 9Heart 8Club 7Heart 4Club 8, and the aces hold up for Iervasi to win the pot and eliminate both players from the tournament.

Erico Iervasi  –  716,000  (45 bb)

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