Tudor Purice Spikes Turn to Bust Aykutalp Yilmaz

Aug 25, 2024

Tudor PuricePhoto: Tudor Purice

Action folds to Aykutalp Yilmaz, who moves all in from the button for 165,000. Tudor Purice is in the small blind and makes the call with the covering stack.

Aykutalp Yilmaz: Club 9Heart 9
Tudor Purice: Diamond AHeart J

Yilmaz’s pocket nines are ahead in a race, and remain so after the Club QHeart 2Spade 3 flop. However the turn brings the Spade A to put Purice ahead, and the Spade Q river is not one of the two outs Yilmaz requires, sending him to the rail.

Tudor Purice – 1,050,000 (70 bb)
Aykutalp Yilmaz – eliminated 

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