Troeung vs. Dick: "I KNEW You Had Ace-Jack!"

Aug 20, 2016

Noeung Troeung

Andrew Dick raises from middle position to 11,000, and Noeung Troeung calls from the hijack. The flop comes Spade JHeart 5Spade 2, Dick bets 16,000, and Troeung calls. The turn card is the Club 7, Dick bets 14,500, and Troeung calls.

The river card is the Diamond A, Dick checks, and Troeung thinks for a while before betting 58,500. Dick goes into the tank for a long time before he says, “Call!” and firmly places 58,500 in front of him as he shows Spade ASpade 5 for two pair, aces and fives, with a missed spade flush draw.

But Troeung turns over Heart AHeart J to win the pot with a higher two pair, aces and jacks. Dick appears to reprimand himself as he says, “Damn, I knew you had ace-jack!” Still talking to himself, he says he convinced himself that Troeung could’ve had ace-queen.

Troeung wins the pot.

Noeung Troeung  –  275,000  (69 bb)
Andrew Dick  –  60,000  (15 bb)

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