Travis Stams Takes Out Lynn Phan

May 19, 2024

Hasanain Al Ghunaim raises to 7,000 in the cutoff before Travis Stams three-bets to 24,000 on the button. Lynn Phan then moves all in for 89,500 in the small blind, Al Ghunaim folds, but Stams calls.

Lynn Phan: Diamond AHeart Q
Travis Stams: Spade ASpade K

Phan is dominated as the flop comes Club 3Club 4Spade 5. The rest of the board comes Spade 6Spade 4 and Stams finishes with the nut flush to send Phan to the rail.

Travis Stams- 330,000 (110 bb)
Hasanain Al Ghunaim- 730,000 (243 bb)
Lynn Phan- eliminated

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