Travis Greenawalt Wins a Three-Way All-In to Knock Out a Player

Jan 27, 2019

There is a three-way all-in situation at Table 15 after a flop of [Qd][Js][6d], with the small blind all in for about 24,000, Travis Greenawalt all in from the big blind for 38,200, and a player in middle position who covers them both.

Middle-Position Player:  Diamond 10Diamond 9  (open-ended straight draw)
Travis Greenawalt:  Spade QHeart J  (two pair, queens and jacks)
Small Blind:  Diamond JDiamond 2  (pair of jacks)

The turn card is the Heart A, the river card is the Spade 7, and the two pair holds up for Greenawalt to win the entire pot, eliminating the small blind and doubling thru the player in middle position.

Travis Greenawalt  –  107,000  (214 bb)

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