Travis Greenawalt Eliminated in 32nd Place by David Gerassi

Sep 20, 2017

Travis Greenawalt

David Gerassi opens to 55,000, Travis Greenawalt (pictured) three-bets to 200,000 and Gerassi four-bet shoves 580,000 effectively. Greenawalt calls all in with Heart 8Spade 8. Gerassi appears to be in great shape with his Diamond 9Heart 9.

The board comes Spade 10Club 6Heart 5Club ADiamond A and Gerassi’s pocket nines hold, eliminating Greenawalt in 32nd place.

David Gerassi  –  1,900,000  (119 bb)
Travis Greenawalt  –  Eliminated in 32nd Place  ($14,132)

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