Travis Greenawalt Eliminated in 21st Place by Steven McKoy

Sep 5, 2022

Travis GreenawaltPhoto: Travis Greenawalt

The action folds around to Travis Greenawalt on the button, he raises it to 125,000. Steven McKoy looks down at his hand and elects to three-bet from the big blind, making it 400,000 to go. 

Greenawalt shoves for 1,200,000 and McKoy snap-calls, putting Greenawalt at risk of elimination. McKoy turns over Heart JDiamond J for a pair of johnnies and is well ahead of the Spade JSpade 10 of Greenawalt.

The board runs out with no help for Greenawalt, shipping the pot to McKoy as Greenawalt takes a walk to the payout desk.

Steven McKoy – 5,875,000 (95 bb)
Travis Greenawalt – Eliminated ($21,900)

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